Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year = New Layout and New Designs!  

Hey everyone,
It's Taylor! I'm back and ready for action!! There's some big changes happening here... First comes the name change: Taylor's Military Designs ...and more! We used to be known as "Military Gifts for Military Families" ... I decided to change it because not only am I a proud Marine Corps wife, but I'm also a proud mommy. With that comes some new designs and new sections of the store. I've added a Maternity section and a Babywearing section. If you have NO idea what babywearing is please check out my other blog: Wearing My Babies. Still want more info? Check out The Babywearer.com. I'm an active member on there so you can find me under username: tmarieroberts =)

So anyway, I've pretty much taken a whole year off from working on my cafepress store. During that year I've watched my son go from a teeny helpless newborn to a semi-independent toddler. He'll be 13 months old on the 23rd of January. He's getting so big!

With him being a lot older now means that while he plays nicely on the floor with his toys.... or takes his 2 hour afternoon nap, mommy can get on here and work! I'm really excited to start designing again!

Oh! And I'm taking custom orders again! (As always, at no extra charge.) If you'd like a custom order done or have any questions or suggestions for me please e-mail me: taysdesigns (at) cox (dot) net.

♥ Taylor

What next?

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