Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Christmas Ornaments are HERE!  

For the first time I'm designing Christmas ornaments. So far I have up only a few designs to choose from, but it's still early. There will be more to come! These ornaments can be personalized with names, dates and pictures. If you'd like one personalized please e-mail me!

See all of them here:

A few examples:





Freebie Icons Sept 2009  

I'm waaaay behind on posting my free military snaggable icons. I'll post a few here. To see the rest please visit my website: Taylor's Military Designs. Right click to save to your own computer. If you take them no credit is needed. Comments are always welcome though! :) More to come soon!

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Get ready for the updates!  

I've been MIA from this blog for over a year now and I just wanted to apologize. I'm back now and hopefully I'll be able to update things much more regularly. Life has been really hectic for my boys and I. I'm no longer a Marine Corps wife, but that doesn't change my love for our US Military. If you're interested in what's going on personally with us you're welcome to head on over to The Divorced Mom...

I'm taking cutom orders again and have been since the beginning of Summer this year. If you need to get in touch with me about me making you something please e-mail me at:

If you have facebook become a fan of my site!
Taylor's Military Designs and More Promote Your Page Too

Friday, May 2, 2008

I love our Military!  

Lol. This has NOTHING to do with my store, but I just wanted to share these 2 videos I can across on I love our military! lol.

HILARIOUS! I can totally see my husband and his friends doing this...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Free Military/Babywearing/Pregnancy Graphics and Icons!  

Yup, up on my web site I've posted some icons and graphics free of charge! There's not much up there at the moment, but I do have at least one up in every section. =)

I'll be adding more and more as I find the time to make them.

Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm Back!  

Opps... I forgot to update this blog letting everyone know that I'm back. The move was successful. Now we just need to worry about cleaning the old house to Lincoln Military Housing standards... =( Fun stuff.

Friday, March 28, 2008

No Internet For A Few Days  

Yup, tomorrow is moving day! That means our computer is going to be unplugged and moved to the new house. We'll be without the internet until at least the 1st of April. I'll post here and in my shop when I'm back. During this time you may still order on my site as usual... This only affects custom orders. If you'd like to have one made for you it'll be a while before I can get back to you.

Thanks for your patience and cooperation during our move!


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Getting ready to move!  

I just wanted to let everyone know that my family and I are getting ready to move in to a new house. I'm letting everyone know because I won't have access to the internet/my computer for about 7 to 9 days at the most. This is going to be from about March 28th to April 7th.

So get those custom requests in before March 28th so I can get them done before I move!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Military Keychains in my Zazzle store!  

I've been meaning to post about this for some time now... I opened up a Zazzle store! So now I'm able to offer you guys lots of new products with some of your favorite designs on them. One thing I'm most excited about are the new military keychains I added!! Here's a few... I'll try to add more later. (Click the link above to check out my entire store!)

I'll add more soon!
Here's some more of the items I now carry in my Zazzle Store:

make custom gifts at Zazzle

Friday, February 22, 2008

Custom Offer - Deployment throw pillow  

To get your very own pillow just like the one below I just need 6 of your pictures! They don't have to be in black and white... I can turn them black and white for you. Please keep in mind that high resolution pictures work best for this design. The bigger the picture you can send me, the better! =) You can send your request to:

This is what the quote says:

"...contrary to what the cynics say,
distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold.
It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone
in exchange for a little time with the one they love.
It's for those knowing a good thing when they see it,
even if they don't see it nearly enough..."

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Welcome Home/Homecoming Yard Signs  

New section in our store: Welcome Home! We have Welcome Home clothing for adults and children. We also have a new product - Welcome Home Yard signs! I have a few up in the store right now and plan to add more in the near future. I can also have them personalized/customized with your troop's name on it. Here are a few examples of what's in the store:

Navy, Army, Air Force - New Design with Pink Stars!  

I've made this design for 3 of the branches - Navy, Army and Air Force... You can get it with JUST the military branches name on it.... Or it you can get it with the word "Wife", "Fiancee" or "Girlfriend" underneath it! These are just a few samples.. Please check out our store for the full selection:

MORE St. Patrick's Day Military Designs!  

Yesterday I finished up yet another new design for St. Patrick's Day... For all 4 branches - Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force. These are just a few of the products you can get these designs on. Please check out my store for the full selection! or just click the links above the pictures.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February's Care Package  

Today our first care package of the year was mailed out! For February we picked LCpl David Mancini of MALS - 16 to send it to. In his letter to he asked for coffee, individual tuna packs, individual Crystal Light, and coffee creamer. I ended up spending WAAAAY more then 10 percent of my profits... I think it ended up being more like 40%. (Including shipping.) I really don't mind though. =)

We'll be choosing a troop for March really soon! If you'd like to submit your troop to us to be sponsored please send an e-mail to Just be sure that the troop will be deployed til at least late April to allow time to get a care package sent out!

Monday, February 18, 2008

I'm Back!  

Woo Hoo! Hubby and I made it back home safely from Vegas!! Can't wait to get back to work on some new designs....

I think my next big project will be to make some "Welcome Home" yard signs! =)